Sランクばかりのメンバー内で足を引っ張る”お荷物”テイマーと言われていたランド。彼は冒険の中、他のメンバーに見捨てられ相棒の使い魔レイを失ってしまう。だがその死を契機にランドは新たなる力「ネクロマンサー」へと目覚めていくことに…! Recon, mapping, carrying baggage, cooking, keeping watch, taking blows… even while doing all these things, the tamer, Randall, is called a burden and useless by his party members. This S-ranked party is filled with genius magicians, excellent swordsmen, famous priests, and great knights, that show superb teamwork and drive, became the most famous party in the country. Despite being incredibly popular, the members of the party feel dissatisfaction with Randall. He soon gets kicked out just while he was gaining influence of his own and unlocks his true power while seeking for his revenge.