捨てられた少女は最強の聖女!? 敵には一切容赦しません!「小説家になろう」発の人気作が待望のコミカライズ!!叔母家族から何年にもわたって虐げられたソニアは、森へ捨てられ死を覚悟する……。死を覚悟するソニアだが、心優しき神官ファルネに拾われ…!?捨てられ聖女の爽快!ざまぁ物語!! The discarded girl is the strongest saint!? She shows no mercy to her enemies! A popular work from “Become a Novelist” is eagerly awaited to be turned into a manga!! Sonia, who has been oppressed by her aunt’s family for many years, is discarded in the forest and prepares herself for death… Although Sonia is prepared for death, she is found by the kind-hearted priest Falne…!? An exhilarating tale of a discarded saint’s revenge!!