偏食夫を幼妻(でも中身は33歳)が餌付け!? 王太子の胃袋掴みます! WEB初大人気ノベルが待望のコミカライズ!! おでんのからしを買いに出た和泉麻耶(33歳職業パティシエ)は、そこで事故に遭い–次に目覚めたとき、12歳のお姫様に転生していた!! 前世では独身だった彼女には、なんと年上の旦那(しかも王太子)までいる。 命を狙われたところに転生したらしいと悟った麻耶は、身を守るためにも夫と仲良くしようと決めるが!? お菓子職人の名に懸けて、夫を餌付けしながら胃袋と犯人つかみます!! Izumi Maya (A 33 year old professional pastry chef), who went out to buy some mustard, got caught in an accident – when she had regained her awareness, she had reincarnated as a 12 year old princess! Besides, she also had a husband who was older than her! (A king moreover)Maya who seem to have realize that she had arrived in a place where her life would be targeted decides to try to get along with her husband to protect herself!In the name of being a pastry chef, I’ll defeat the criminal and my husband’s stomach at the same time!!Original Web Comic