大刀は最近、自分の指す手に自信が持てない。自らのデビュー戦で“神様”と出会ってから、何かが変わってしまった。同世代の“神様”に勝てる日は来るのか――自らを“凡人”と思う一人の棋士と“神様”、そして彼らと同じ時代を生きた人々の物語。 Lately, Odachi has been struggling with a lack of confidence in his play. Since his debut match, where he faced off against the “God” of shogi, something has changed within him. Will the day come when he can surpass the God of his generation? A tale of a self-proclaimed average shogi player, his friends, peers, and rivals, and the God before him.