次期国王・カロル王子の妻として懸命に尽くしてきたヴェラは、ある日突然、離婚を告げられる。 僻地に追放されてしまったヴェラだったが、王妃教育や慣れない公務から解放され、自由な生活を満喫し始める。 そんな中、任務でヴェラの屋敷を訪れた、元王子のアランは、屋敷の周辺のとある変化に気付き…? 何もかもを無くした令嬢が、秘めた能力で新たな居場所を築く、逆転ラブファンタジー。 Vera is the wife of Carol, the crown prince, and as such has always put her utmost effort into her marital and royal responsibilities… But then one day, he tells her that he’s no longer interested in her and is getting a divorce! Banished to a remote region, she begins to enjoy her newfound freedom to its fullest now that she has been released from training to become queen and the official duties she could never get fully accustomed to. As she does so, the former Prince Alan comes to visit her, and notices a certain change around her residence…?