名門アイルノーツ家の生まれながら、魔法の才に恵まれなかった少女・ノア。 「落ちこぼれ」と優秀な姉からモラハラを受ける日々に嫌気が差した彼女は、唯一の友達である高位精霊のハクと共に自室に引きこもる生活をしていた。 そんなある日、王家からも一目置かれる公子・ヴァンの生家、エスターク公爵家からパーティーの招待状がノア達に届き、彼女の運命が変わり始める…! Noa is a girl born into the prestigious Ailnots family, but was not blessed with magical talent. Sick of being called a ‘failure’ and being harassed by her superior older sister, Noa has retreated into her room with her only friend, Haku, a high-ranking spirit. Then one day, Noa and her friends receive an invitation to a party from the Dukes of Estark, the birthplace of Van, a prince who is highly respected even by the royal family, and her destiny begins to change..!